What To Expect in Your First Visit to An Ayurvedic Doctor

Dr Rafeena Kidavintavida
3 min readMar 30, 2022
Visit to An Ayurvedic Doctor — Dr rafeena

Visiting an ‘ Ayurveda Doctor ‘ is not only for small health issues like skin problems and muscle pain but also it is the best beneficial habit for many diseases as both preventive and curative. Ayurveda believes in holistic remedies to all problems based on a person’s elemental nature( Prakriti) and balance (Vikriti) and suggests dietary and lifestyle adjustments. Ayurveda looks at a comprehensive view of your health and eradicates the root causes of diseases. So when you visit for an ‘ Ayurvedic Consultation ‘ you can expect the following procedures.

The Eight-Fold Ayurvedic Assessments

Pulse Examination( Nadi Pariksha), Tongue Analysis (Jihva Pariksha), Urine Examination ( Mutra Pariksha), Eye Examination ( Netra Pariksha), Skin-Examination (Sparsha Pariksha), Feces examination (Mala Pariksha), Sound Examination (Shabdha Pariksha) and General Appearance Examination (Akriti Pariksha) are the eight-fold Ayurvedic assessments. Let’s discuss that.

1 — Pulse Examination( Nadi Pariksha)

By checking your pulse, an Ayurvedic practitioner can assess your physical constitution or Dosha. Not only that, but a proper pulse diagnostic can also inform you of any health issues that may arise in the future as a result of your present food and lifestyle, allowing you to take preventative measures.

2 — Tongue Analysis (Jihva Pariksha)

A practitioner examines to see a tongue that is scalloped or wavy. This condition indicates an underlying health condition, such as vitamin deficiency, low hormone levels. A proper tongue examination can assist in determining your body’s current state and what diseases you may have.

3– Urine Examination ( Mutra Pariksha)

Examination of urine samples and analysis reveals a lot about a person’s health. The colour of the urine, darker yellow or amber colour can indicate whether or not someone is sufficiently hydrated, whereas pain or discomfort can suggest a problem. The colour of urine also may be a symptom of any disease.

4-Eye Examination ( Netra Pariksha)

Eyes indicate a great deal about a person’s health. The size, shape, dryness, and contour of the eyeball can indicate a lot about a person’s bodily imbalances. Eyes that are sunken and dry can be caused by Vata aggravation. They can turn red or yellow as a result of Pitta exacerbation. They can become wet and watery as a result of Kapha aggravation.

5- Skin-Examination (Sparsha Pariksha)

Throughout the examination, the Ayurvedic expert takes an assessment of your skin according to your body constitution. The skin of a Vata aggravated person is rough with a low temperature, a pitta influenced person has a high temperature, and a Kapha dominant person is cold and damp.

6- Faeces Examination (Mala Pariksha)

A stool examination can reveal a lot about a person’s digestive health. If digestion and absorption of food are inadequate, the stool smells a foul odour and sinks into the water. The stool is hard, dry, and grey/ash in colour, indicating that Vata is aggravated. Excess pitta turns it green/yellow in colour. And mucus in stool with strong Kapha.

7-Sound Examination (Shabdha Pariksha)

The way a person speaks can reveal a lot about body imbalances. When all doshas are in balance, a healthy person’s voice will be natural. When Kapha is aggravated, the voice becomes heavy, cracked when Pitta is aggravated, and gruff when Vata is aggravated.

8 — General Appearance Examination (Akriti Pariksha)

The imbalances in the Doshas can also be seen on a person’s face. This aids Ayurvedic practitioners in diagnosing diseases.


In a nutshell, a proper ‘ Ayurvedic Consultation ‘and these examinations are essential parts of Ayurvedic treatment that you should know. Ayurveda is an effective remedy for many health complications as the human body is a complicated mechanism in which each function is connected to the next in a very complicated manner. So, In you can expect all these procedures. Examining a person’s physical form provides categorical details to find the appropriate solution for the problem.



Dr Rafeena Kidavintavida

Dr. Rafeena, one of the most experienced and qualified Ayurveda expert in Sydney, Australia. https://www.drrafeena.com