Concepts of Ayurveda

Dr Rafeena Kidavintavida
3 min readApr 28, 2022
Concepts of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a holistic system of natural medicines and treatments practised by sages in India for over 3000–5000 years. The prominent foundations of Ayurveda medicine are the principles of universal connection, body constitution (Prakriti), and life forces (Doshas). According to Ayurvedic theory, all things on our planet are composed of the five elements of Pancamahabhutas, especially the human body including earth (Prithvi), water (Jal), and fire (Agni or tej), air (Vayu) and, ether or space (Akash). Five elements are composed of body organs and organ systems, with the five sense organs (ears, skin, eyes, tongue, and nose) forming the senses through which man observes the external world in five different ways. So, Ayurveda encourages its concepts of natural therapies to regain a balance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment. Furthermore, the human being is described in Ayurveda philosophy as a triune comprising body, mind, and spirit. And these are interconnected and interdependent.

Tri Gunas

Ayurveda offers various solutions and wellness to attain better physical and mental health outcomes by providing an explanation based on our Manasa (psychological) Prakriti (constitution). The tri Gunas Satva(goodness or stability), Rajas(activation or movement ) and Tamas(inertia or laziness ) are the three essentials that play an important in the manifestation of personality in humans.
Discussing ‘tribunals’ we should comprehend that all human beings are mixtures of the three Gunas in Ayurveda and three features together foster different kinds of personalities based on the dominance of one or the other Gunas.

There are some qualities in personality for each guna dominant people as all human beings are combinations of the three Gunas. Qualities of a sattva dominant person are good mental strength, Kindness, self-control etc. Then the enthusiasm, activity, work-driven etc are the qualities of ‘Rajas’ personality and apprehension, hard work, materialism etc is the quality of tamas personality.

The Tri Dosas( Three-Body Humor)

Like the human body has Trigunas, the Tridoshas are also formed from Five elements(PancaMahabhutas) concerning Ayurveda. Vata (air), Pitta (bile) and Kapha (water and earth elements). In Ayurvedic terms of energy and the five elements of the human body, these ideas can be linked to the basic biology and physiology of the human body. These Tridoshas play a significant role in the physical and mental growth and natural urges in the human body. Every one of you has a dominant dosha and the qualities of all doshas. If you take an Ayurvedic Consultation from an Ayurveda Doctor, you can determine your dominant dosha. Finding out your dosha type is very important to doing ayurvedic therapy with adequate medicinal herbs. Here, the Vata dosha act in the function of breathing, blinking, tissue and muscle movement, heartbeat, nerve impulse transmission, and all movements within cells and cell walls. All chemical processes in the body, including digestion, absorption and metabolism are governed by Pitta. Kapha act by supplying water to all parts for proper body functioning system.


In a nutshell, these are some concepts of Ayurveda that you need to keep in mind because correctly understanding the concepts is very useful when you follow an Ayurvedic lifestyle or research more about Ayurveda. We know Ayurveda focuses more on healthy living than the treatment of diseases and this is the reason why more people in every corner of the world trying to learn more about Ayurveda. Many developed countries like America, and Australia accepted Ayurveda and medicinal herbs. Ayurveda is an alternative medical system in Australia that you can find when you search on google as Ayurveda Australia.



Dr Rafeena Kidavintavida

Dr. Rafeena, one of the most experienced and qualified Ayurveda expert in Sydney, Australia.