Ayurvedic Remedies For Fatigue

Dr Rafeena Kidavintavida
3 min readApr 28, 2022
Ayurvedic Remedies For Fatigue

Sometimes, we feel run down due to work pressure, overconsumption of oily food, lack of sleep or long-distance travel. You experience fatigue not only due to any specific underlying disease but also as a common symptom that all of us feel both physically and mentally. So, it’s ok to be tired as we all are human beings and not supernatural men. But when you may be too exhausted even to move on with the daily routines with chronic fatigue syndrome, You can’t manage your work-life alone without treating fatigue. Keeping your mind, body and emotion balanced way can help reduce fatigue. If you follow Ayurvedic health tips and treatments, you can lessen the fatigue caused by daily activities.

Ayurveda is a holistic treatment that believes fatigue is a body condition caused by weak digestive fire and an unhealthy lifestyle. Ayurvedic remedies for treating fatigue are not just like a single line treatment or medication. So, you need to know about various ayurvedic remedies to combat tiredness and stay energetic every day. Ayurveda suggests herbs, massage treatments, detox treatments, lifestyle tips etc.

Ayurveda explains one of the reasons for chronic fatigue syndrome is that aggravated Vata dosha weakens the body. It affects the nervous system. Therefore, the Ayurvedic line of treatments balances Vata dosha and improves Agni. Massage treatments like Abhyangam calm the mind, boost metabolism, and improve digestion. These interconnected benefits are a very effective remedy to combat chronic fatigue syndrome by restoring energy. Then the detox like Panchakarma removes the harmful toxins from the body that make you tired. Furthermore, practising yoga and meditation as per the Ayurvedic consultation rejuvenates the body and effects to overcome fatigue. Different poses in yoga are very beneficial for muscle relaxation. If your muscles in the body relaxed, the stress that you feel will be reduced. You know, stress is the reason for the lack of sleep and that makes many complicated issues in the body with fatigue. Different poses in yoga and yoga practice with an Ayurvedic daily routine are great if you want to be enthusiastic every day in your life.

You do not have any doubt about the multiple benefits of Ayurvedic herbs. Well! you know regular intake of Ayurvedic herbs gives you holistic relief from many health issues. For unexplained fatigue, using natural herbs as per the prescription of an ayurvedic expert strengthen our nervous system and protect our body and brain cells from harmful toxins. Herbs used in these herbal remedies aid to control hormone production in the body as well as maintaining proper hormone balance in our body. Regular consumption of these herbal remedies helps to increase our body’s stamina and protects us from both physical and mental stress. So, the consumption of herbs is a very vital part of the remedies to treat chronic fatigue.


In sum, Ayurvedic remedies are a highly effective way of treating chronic fatigue syndrome with proper Ayurveda Consultation. If you follow Ayurvedic daily routines with herbs, massage treatments, detox treatments, lifestyle tips etc you can reduce fatigue and overcome the stress that makes you mentally and physically healthy. So, never forget that Ayurveda is a holistic way for all health issues like fatigue.



Dr Rafeena Kidavintavida

Dr. Rafeena, one of the most experienced and qualified Ayurveda expert in Sydney, Australia. https://www.drrafeena.com