Ayurvedic Dinacharya

Dr Rafeena Kidavintavida
3 min readMar 1, 2022
Ayurvedic Dinacharya

It’s a fact that our daily routines and habits (Dinacharya) play a vital role in our long-term health. Ultimately, every step we take in each moment in life impacts our way of life, even the subtle things we think. Most people like to live a healthy lifestyle by incorporating healthy behaviours into their daily routines. Do daily habits play a significant role in how long can we maintain both physical health and mental health. Many people do their daily routines around the same time each day, such as eating, sleeping, and working and others don’t. Whatever it is, a proper Ayurvedic Dinacharya benefits such as improving and treating memory and focus issues and helping the body perform more efficiently by increasing its energy level. There are some important things to remember while we do every routine from our rise to sleep until the day lasts. An Ayurvedic Consultation would be ideal to get recommendations regarding Dinacharya.

Wake Up

Our grandparents often say we should be getting out of bed before sunrise. This one might be a little bit tough for you to follow. But this very important and initial part if you want to make a good day. A variety of cultural ideas, literature, and scientific evidence have all suggested that rising early in the morning can be advantageous. After you wake up the first thing to do is rinse your face with cold water It has been proposed that in addition to getting up early on Brahmamuhurta, one might achieve overall wellbeing by including yoga, meditative, and therapeutic practises.

Solution for Constipation

Constipation can be relieved by eating more healthy oils like ghee, coconut, or sesame oil, drinking more water, and including demulcent herbs like flax seeds, Shatavari, and into your diet.
To assist the body to maintain moisture, experts recommend drinking our Hydrate Blend Tea and taking Triphala, a traditional Ayurvedic herbal combination.


Yoga asanas, or postures, help to increase circulation, cultivate balance, improve flexibility, and build strength in both the body and mind, Ayurveda suggests doing 10–30 minutes of balancing asana in the morning. Yoga and meditation will assist you in focusing on your objectives.

Water Consumption

Ayurveda recommends the consumption of warm water. Proper water consumption is very important for the better health of the kidney as water flushes the harmful toxins and free radicals. Furthermore, warm lemon water cleanses the liver, detoxifies the entire body, and improves skin tone and appearance. Lemon is an anti-inflammatory and aids in bodily alkalinization because it is abundant in Vitamin C, this daily routine aids in maintaining a healthy immune system and preventing illness.

Use Ayurvedic Bath Oils

How many of you can bath without oil? Yet some people bathe without any oil. As we know there are different types of oil like coconut, sesame, castor and mustard oils are used for oil baths. But you have to know that there are some special ayurvedic oils with abundant benefits for your skin. Abhyanga oil penetrates deep into the skin tissues when rubbed into it, providing a strong influence on the body and psyche.
PAAVANI Body Oils are available in four distinct varieties to suit the demands of different skin types.


While the Ayurveda correctly explains the causes of all of these advantages of daily routines. Your eating, drinking, exercising and sleeping habits define your health. Dinacharya is an essential part of maintaining physical and mental health. Ayurvedic lifestyle is a simple answer to any health-related concerns and is essential for establishing a harmonic balance between mind, body, and soul. Do this consistently for living your life of maximum well-being.



Dr Rafeena Kidavintavida

Dr. Rafeena, one of the most experienced and qualified Ayurveda expert in Sydney, Australia. https://www.drrafeena.com