7 Things You Must Know Before Taking Ayurvedic Herbs

Dr Rafeena Kidavintavida
3 min readMay 26, 2022
Ayurvedic Herbs

Ayurveda is the ancient practice of healing to treat various conditions and make both the mind and body harmonious. We should always keep in mind that rather than combating disease, Ayurvedic massages and other therapies help us to attain holistic wellness by addressing the root causes. Furthermore, Ayurveda is the best natural remedy for many specific health problems caused by lifestyle changes or hereditary reasons. Nowadays, Ayurveda has a mass number of followers and also it is an alternative medicine system in countries like Australia.
Ayurveda also offers several herbs and medicines as well to boost healing. However, there are some important points to bear in mind before your take those medicines.

Here, we are going to discuss the things you must know before taking Ayurvedic medicine. Let’s dive in.

1. Ayurveda Needs Time

If you thought Ayurvedic medicines can heal ailments just like that, you are wrong. You need to be aware of the gradual time taken for results for long-lasting relief. Expecting instant progress without any side effects isn’t wise. Therefore, if you need a long-lasting result, you have to be patient when taking the medicines.

2. Understand Ayurvedic Home Remedies Are Generic

The natural ingredients that make up homely Ayurvedic medicines do not need any special licence to buy. You get it from the Ayurvedic medicine shop or other. If you consume in the proper proportion and at the right time, Ayurvedic medicines can offer a favourable effect on you. In addition, remember, that this does not have side effects and is no problem when consumed during meals.

3. Importance of Ayurvedic Practitioners

Ayurveda doctor plays an essential role in your herbal dosage. He will understand what type of Dosha you are and provide prescriptions accordingly. When you consult the expert practitioner, he/she will give appropriate guidance for your lifestyle and the various physical and emotional balances. Before prescribing medicines to you, all these will be considered. If you have any concerns you can clear them with your Ayurvedic doctor.

4. Dosha Specific

Dosha is simply your body type. It can be Vata, Pita and Kapha. And, different tastes can affect your dosha. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that the herb you consume matches your dosha or else it will affect the equilibrium of your dosha. This can lead to various illnesses. Therefore, understand your body type, dosage, and consumption timing of your dosha.

5. Complete The Course

It is a notable thing that no treatment is a proper way until it is completed. When it comes to Ayurvedic therapies, you ought to complete the course to get the complete benefits and it’s no different in the case the consuming Ayurvedic medicines. If your doctor has instructed you to consume medicine for a specific period of time, it’s important to ensure you complete that course. Furthermore, you have to make sure that you consume the right dosage at the right time to get the best results.

6. About Consumption

It’s important to follow every advice and instruction from your practitioner. Ayurvedic medicine works best when its protocols, like the dosage, time to consume etc are followed. There there are protocols regarding mixing the medicines. For example, some ayurvedic medicines need to be mixed with warm water and some might need to be mixed with milk. If you follow all those protocols properly, you could witness your life becoming healthier as you go forward.


In a nutshell, Ayurvedic herbs are available today in plenty but care needs to be taken when consuming them. Without proper care and failing to follow the instructions of your practitioner, achieving the wellness you expect would be a hard task.



Dr Rafeena Kidavintavida

Dr. Rafeena, one of the most experienced and qualified Ayurveda expert in Sydney, Australia. https://www.drrafeena.com